“Einmal, als sie im Walde übernachtet hatten und das Morgenrot sie aufweckte, da sahen sie ein schönes Kind in einem weißen, glänzenden Kleidchen neben ihrem Lager sitzen. Es stand auf und blickte sie ganz freundlich an, sprach aber nichts und ging in den Wald hinein.”
-Gebrüder Grimm, Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot

Biesenthal 32, 36, 09: 120 x 80 cm prints mounted on Alu-Dibond with Plexiglas (Fotosec)
Biesenthal 11: 40 x 60 cm print mounted on Alu-Dibond with Plexiglas (Fotosec)
Biesenthal 27, 21: 40 x 60 cm prints mounted on Alu-Dibond
No software was used to create the effects or colors in these images.
Copyright 2011 Lena Kilkka
In January 2012 selections from the “Biesenthal” series were shown at the 19xLandschaften group exhibition at Studio 1 in Kunstquartier Bethanien, Berlin-Kreuzberg. An accompanying catalogue with foreword by Dr. Enno Kaufhold was published and can be purchased through zimmerverlagberlin.
In March 2013 a “Biesenthal” selection was shown as part of Looking through Landscape – together with painter Skadi Engeln and photographer Türkan Kental – at Prima Center Berlin, Kolonie Wedding. Berlin-based artist and critic, Richard Rabensaat, wrote a detailed review of the exhibition, which can be found here (in German).